Subscription Rates: Individuals: $18.00 (International - $21) Organizations: $24 (International - $27)
(Includes first-class mailing of 1 color and 1 black-and-white copy, plus pdf via e-mail upon request)
The WIA Newsletter is published in three to four issues per year with eight pages constituting a double issue. Coverage includes exhibitions and performance events of women artists, guidelines on how to produce an art show, artists’ estate planning, work and career tips, selling your art, etc., as well as personal experience stories and reports on books and exhibitions.
Women in the Arts Foundation, Inc. has published the WIA Newsletter continuously since 1974, when it was known as Women In the Arts Bulletin/Newsletter. WIA thanks its members, subscribers, and benefactors for their support.
To request a free back issue (black-and-white), or a subscription form, e-mail Please specify what you need and include your name and regular mailing address. Issues since 2018 and subscription forms will be sent upon request as pdf files via e-mail.
Summer/Fall 2019
Fall/Winter 2018
Spring/Summer 2018
Fall/Winter 2017-2018
Fall 2016
Spring/Summer 2017
Winter/Spring 2016
Fall 2015
Winter 2014/2015